01 December, 2007

Thrift Store Treasures

On a recent excursion to the local ARC, I found two little treasures of someone else's trash. On of my treasures is a 1940 baby book written by a pediatrician. It's very funny and interesting to see what kinds of things were done or recommended at the time. The second treasure is an inversion table! Talk about awesome equipment at the thrift store!

The inversion table is the perfect height for moms with breech babies. It will be so much better to offer that to moms whose doctors approve of it than to have them prop up their ironing boards against couches or chairs. I'm very happy that my husband saw the inversion table. I just need to clean it up a bit. The vinyl is pretty gross, but the mechanics work just fine. What I'll probably do is mention to mothers with breech babies that I have it and make sure they discuss it with their doctor before they try it. I don't want to be liable for anyone who falls off of the thing because I recommended it. If the doctor recommends or condones it, however, that's a different story.

The book is really interesting. After spending two weeks in the hospital, the mother and baby go home. It's written like a story from the baby's perspective. The baby goes "talks" with the doctor and his mother during well-baby visits. I've gotten up to 9 months old so far. It's really funny and amazing to see what kinds of things were recommended in 1940. The baby doesn't get any shots until he's about 9 months old, and then only gets shots for about five things. I'll write a more detailed blog about the book when I've finished it.

Chalk up two more for my used bargains list!

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